Helping Parents Talk About (and Stand Up Against) Racism
Project LEARN Category
L- Listen
E- Educate
A- Acknowledge
R- Respond
N- Network
Intended Audience(s)
Activity Details
Activity Type: Children’s Activity
Creator: Sesame Street
Activity Synopsis
Racism is everyone’s problem, and we all need to do our part to stand up against it. But talking about, or even thinking about racism can be a daunting task for many parents. Fear of making mistakes or offending others can hold them back from diving into this important topic. Fortunately, there are things parents can do to move past fear and into authentic action. Doing some “heart work” can equip parents to lead their families to stand up against racism together.
In this workshop, parents are invited to watch short videos and consider questions to help them reflect on how they might practice the ideas and strategies in their own lives. Some of these questions may not be easy to answer, and that’s okay—the hard work is worth it!