Race Frameworks: A Multidimensional Theory of Racism and Education
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White Privilege
Book Details
Author: Zeus Leonardo
Publication Year: 2013
Pages: 217 pages
*BIPOC Author Designation
Book Synopsis
This is a comprehensive introduction to the main frameworks for thinking about, conducting research on, and teaching about race and racism in education. Renowned theoretician and philosopher Zeus Leonardo surveys the dominant race theories and, more specifically, focuses on those frameworks that are considered essential to cultivating a critical attitude toward race and racism. The book examines four frameworks: Critical Race Theory (CRT), Marxism, Whiteness Studies, and Cultural Studies. A critique follows each framework in order to analyze its strengths and set its limits. The last chapter offers a theory of “race ambivalence,” which combines aspects of all four theories into one framework. Engaging and cutting edge, Race Frameworks is a foundational text suitable for courses in education and critical race studies.