Start Here, Start Now
Book Details
Author: Liz Kleinrock
Publication Year: 2021
Pages: 184 pages
Book Synopsis
Start Here, Start Now is a resource for educators committing to creating an antiracist educational setting for themselves and their students. Each chapter encapsulates many of the pertinent challenges/questions these individuals may face and provides an insightful “next step” to further progress such a social justice journey. Essentially what I would consider a teacher’s handbook to antiracism, Start Here, Start Now also gives sample lessons and anchor charts that could be passed onto the student population. That is why I believe this resource is so powerful; it addresses both educators and students. Educators are able to gain a deeper understanding of the importance of creating an antiracist and unbiased learning environment before they relay that information to their students. Especially in younger cohorts, such as elementary and middle schools, the student population isn’t necessarily able to get those essential life experiences by themselves that allow them to realize the importance of an unbiased learning environment. Start Here, Start Now gives educators the chance to be that stepping stone for their students